Cement ball mill:It is widely used in industries of cement, calcium silicate concrete, new building materials, refractory materials, chemical fertilizer, black and non-ferrous metal ore-dressing, as well as glass ceramics.
It can process dry or wet grinding for various ores and other grindable materials.
Operating principle of cement ball mill: it’s a lattice-type ball mill, a horizontal cylinder rotating device with outer gear, two barns and of trellis pattern. Materials evenly enter into the first barn through charging device, in which lies Ladder or corrugated liner, different steel balls. When cylinder rotates, centrifugal force forms and tows the ball to a certain height. Then the ball falls and has severe impact and abrasive effect on materials. After being roughly milled in the first barn, materials enter into the second barn, in which materials are further milled with flat liners and ball. Powder discharged through discharge grate plate to complete grinding operation.