sepiolite fiber: super grade, first, second, third grade
sepiolite powder: 100mesh,200mesh,300mesh,325mesh
SiO2: 40-50% Al2O3: 0.2-2.2% Fe2O3: 0.3-2% CaO: 2.5-20% Mn2O: 17-25%, GaP: 32-48% Pulp Rate: 10-15%
Sepiolite is a clay mineral of fibrous magnesiumsilicate.It is a hydrous aluminum-magnesium silicate with chain structure.Usually the colour is white,light gray, pale yellow etc.Sepiolite is opaque and lusterless.Its specific gravity is 2-3.2,the hardness is 2-2.5,and melting point is 1500-1700 °C.It is innoxious, flavourless and high temperature resistance. Sepiolite has low shrinkage rate, good plasticity and insulation, high salt-resistance etc.