The liquid spraying system is designed to spray various high pressure liquids on the feed pellets squeezed out from the ring die in pelletizing chamber of feed pellet mill. The liquid is sprayed by special atomizing nozzle, which increases the probability of the liquid hitting the pellets in a uniform fashion. The spraying nozzle can be installed at the pellet mill discharge.
Liquid Spraying System Features and Advantages
◆The liquid is sprayed onto the feed pellets surface.
◆The spraying nozzle can be installed at the pellet mill discharge, saving cost.
◆The feed pellets spraying system can spray various high pressure liquids including fat, vitamins and trace minerals etc.
◆This liquid spraying system for aquatic feed pellets can be controlled by PLC controller, accurate spraying and easy operation.
◆The liquid is absorbed onto the pellets and thenare being polished; therefore, the fines to fall off are reduced.
◆Automatic heating and warm keeping by steaming ensures spraying liquids not be frozen in cold seasons.