Antiscorching Agent PVI(CTP)
Chemical Name:N-Cyclohexy(thio)phthalimide
Synonyms: CTP,PVI
Molecular Formula: C14H15O2NS
Molecular weight: 261.33
CAS NO.: 17796-82-6
Appearance White or light yellow powder crystal
Melting point C min 89.0
Ash % max 0.10
Heating loss % max 0.30
Insoluble matter in toluene % max 0.50
The product may be used in NR and SR. It may be protect effectively the rubber material from scorching during processing. So that to make it possible for extruder and calendar to be running at a high temperature and high speed and improve the production capacity of vulcanizer. The product also can improve the storage stabilization of the rubber material, protect natual vulcanization during storage. It has reclaimation function for rubber material, which bearing high heating or with dangers of scorching.