Ion exchange resin for precious metal recovery

Ion exchange resin for precious metal recovery
Category:Chemicals / Resin
Label:mixed bed resin , chelating resin , anion resin
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Product Description

 Bojietech has a range of products tailored for recovery of precious metals from electroplating solutions, leaching solutions and seawater.
      Ion exchange resins are commonly used to remove trace levels and to concentrate precious metals such as Uranium, Gold, Molybdenum, Rhenium, Nickel, Copper and other valuable metals. The metals are then recovered by various specialty regeneration techniques or by incinerating the resin.

Ion exchange resin for precious metal recovery 1

Member Information

Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co.,Ltd
Country/Region:Jiang Su - China
Business Nature:Manufacturer
Contact:catherine (sales rep)
Last Online:07 Jan, 2016