The propeller can be freely steered through 360 degrees around the stem. Therefore the Rudder propeller is a combined propulsion and steering unit, sothat the full thruster is available in any direction for the ship.
If the prime engine is electric or hydraulic motor, the upper gearbox can be eliminated. The electric or hydraulic motor can be vertically mounted on the fixed flange and the power will be transmitted through a bevel gear in lower gearbox on to the propeller(L-drive).
The rudder propeller can be operated by mechanical, hydraulic or electric-hydraulic unit, and can be in activ service as main propulsion, auxiliary propulsion and dynamic positioning of the ship, which are usually used in tugs, puch boats, ferry boats and barges etc. Now the company is developing higher power RP to satisfy requirements from market.
There are three installation types: Transom installation, Well installation, Deck installation.
Installation type
Transom Installation CCS, BV Approved Marine Rudder Propeller / Azimuth Thruster
Transom installation is one of the three installation types. It is used for ships and vessels whose space of engine room are smaller, such as floating cranes, mounting plate with sealing is fixed on the plate. That is, the upper of the Rudder propeller is fixed on the pinaxis, and the lower is clamped on the puching ring. When rleasing the thruster bearing, the propeller can easily be elevated backwards.
Elastic suspension for special Sound Proofing is available for this mode of installation.
Deck Installation CCS, BV Approved Marine Rudder Propeller / Azimuth Thruster
The deck installation is a complete propulsion package. It is a reliable and compact propulsion plant. The chassis carries the totally enclosed propulsion system. The power of the diesel engine is transmitted to the rudder propeller through an elastic coupling, a hydaulic cluth and a universal shaft. The chassis daily fuel tank and so on. Installation is fast and simple because they are essentially self-con-rained. Only to obtain thrust. The deck installation unit merely has to be mounted and bolted onto a foundation of deck. Rudder propeller is mounted at the rear chassis.
The Rudder propeller can be mechanically or hydraulically raised or lowered in vertical direction by means of a depth adjustment facility.This serves to ensure maximum propeller thrust at all vessel draughts by maintaining the correct propeller immersion.
Well Installation CCS, BV Approved Marine Rudder Propeller / Azimuth Thruster
The well installation is especially for tugs, ferries, well station, floating dock and survey ships.
Our rudder propeller is mounted in the well.The stem length varieswith the requirement of the application. The top mounting plate of the well should, if at all possible, be above the waterline so that the Rudder Propeller can be installed and removed when the ship is floating.
Well installation varies with the distance between the Rudder Propeller and the diesel engine.When the engine room is very small, the Rudder Propeller can be near to the diesel engine and suitable for application in long-range transmission between diesel engine and rudder propeller.