ZZG22 series high-frequency switching rectifier is switching type model specially developed
for power operating power system using many years experience of producing power operating
power system, adopted the soft switching transferring technology ,which can supply power
to DC load with signal or many running models in parallel, at the same time supplying power
to storage battery , satisfying the rectifier requirement of power operation power system .
Which can be used in power plant, substation widely , also used as the usual DC stable
voltage, stable current power.
This series high-frequency switching rectifier model total has these specifications as follows:
n ZZG22-10220: the output normal DC voltage is 220V, the rated current is 10A
n ZZG22-05220:the output normal DC voltage is 220V, the rated current is 5A
n ZZG22-10110:the output normal DC voltage is 110V, the rated current is 10A
n ZZG22-20110:the output normal DC voltage is 110V, the rated current is 20A