β-Carotene is an organi ccompound-aterpenoid, are d-orange pigment abundant in
plants and fruits. As a carotene with β-rings at both ends,it is the most common form
of carotene. It is a precursor(inactiveform) of vitaminA. Jianhe biotech HIEFIE
Supply sides how Vitafoods. Being highly conjugated, it is deeply colored, and as a
hydrocarbon lacking functional groups,it is very lipophilic. Innature, β-carotene is a
precursor to vitamin A via the action of beta-carotene15, 15'-mono oxygenase.
β-Carotene is also the substance in carrots that colours the morange. β-Carotenoid is
biosynthesized from geranylgeranylpyrophosphate.
Plant carotenoids are the primary dietary source of pro-vitaminA worldwide. The
most efficient pro-vitaminA carotenoidisβ-carotene,which is abundantin Vietnam
Gac(Momordica Cochinchinensis Spreng),crudepalmoil, yellow and orange fruits,
such as mangoes and papayas,orange root vegetables such as carrots and yams and in
green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, sweet potato leaves, and sweet gourd
leaves. Vietnamgac and crudepalmoil have by far the highest contentofβ-carotene
of any known fruit or vegetable,10 times higher than carrots for example. However,
Gacisquiter are and unknown outside its nativeregion of SE Asia, and crudepalmoil
is typically processed to remove the cartenoids before sale to improve the colorand
Function and Usage:
Beta-Carotene is also known as aprovitaminbecauseitcanbeconvertedinourbody