Product Name:Calcium d-glucarate
CAS. NO.: 5793-89-5
Appearance White powder
Assay 98.5-102.0%
Calcium Meets the requirements
chloride ≤0.12%
sulfate ≤0.07%
Heavy metals ≤10 ppm
Pb ≤0.5ppm
As ≤1ppm
Cd ≤1ppm
Hg ≤0.3ppm
Optical raotation +18.5~+22.5
Sucrose reducing sugars No red precipitate is formed immediately
Total plate ≤1000cfu/g
Yeast and Moulds ≤100cfu/g
E.coli Absence/g
Salmonella Absence/10g
OTHERNAME(S): Calcio D-Glucarato, Calcium Glucarate, Calcium-D Glucarate,Calcium-D-Glucarate, D-Glucarate (GA), D-glucaro-1,4-lactone (1,4 GL),Glucarate de Calcium.
Molecular Formula:C6H16CaO12
Appearance White powder
Calcium:Meetsthe requirements
sulfate ≤0.07%
Heavy metals ≤20ppm
Opticalraotation +18.5~+22.5
Sucrosereducing sugars No red precipitate isformed immediately
CalciumD-glucarate is a calcium salt made by combining calcium and glucaric acid, achemical compound found naturally in the body and in foods like oranges,grapefruit, apples, and broccoli.
CalciumD-glucarate is used for preventing certain types of cancer. It is thought todecrease the body's levels of the hormone estrogen, strengthening your defenseagainst hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast and prostate cancers.
Inaddition, calcium D-glucarate is said to aid in detoxification by eliminatingcancer-causing agents, toxins, and steroid hormones from the body.2 Thepurported benefits of this supplement come from the D-glucarate and not thecalcium.
Preliminaryresearch s ests calcium D-glucarate may help prevent certain cancers.However, most of the findings on its health effects come from laboratoryresearch and animal-based studies.
Prostate,Breast, and Colon Cancers