The double speed hoist motor, which applied on the type of a single rope tension of 6.3T or 8T electric hoist for reclaimer, electric hoist model specifications are generally HCXQ16 8T-84M (HMXQ16G-84), HCXQ16 6.3T-84m. in fact, it is two motor with flannel connected together, the main motor model specifications for ZDX62-4-24, the little one motor model specifications for ZDX31-4-3KW. The original model of this motor is Hubei Huabo 36 ZDX-4/4-24/3KW. Due to low energy efficiency and its production (type test certificate) expires in April 2020, the new model S will be used after the new model certificate takes effect in June 2020, and its installation size remains unchanged. The new motor model specification is S 200-4/4-24/3KW.