Low pressure riser tubes for Aluminium Industry

Low pressure riser tubes for Aluminium Industry
Brand:Guizhou Dsine Low pressure riser tubes
Origin:Made In China
Category:Metallurgy , Mining & Energy / Metallurgy & Mining / Non-ferrous Metal
Label:low-pressure die cas , withstand thermal sh , erosion corrosi
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Product Description

Sialon low-pressure riser tubes provide performance cost advantages to low-pressure die casters. Because of unique properties to withstand thermal shock, erosion, and corrosive attack, coupled with its impervious and non- wetting advantages, Sialon riser tubes are long lasting and mainly maintenance free
Low pressure riser tubes for Aluminium Industry 1

Member Information

Guizhou Dsine Aluminium Technology & Equipments Co., Ltd
Country/Region:Gui Zhou - China
Business Nature:Trading Company
Contact:laura_shao (manager)
Last Online:24 Apr, 2008