Beryllium Copper M25 C17300

Beryllium Copper M25 C17300
Origin:Made In China
Category:Metallurgy , Mining & Energy / Metallurgy & Mining / Non-ferrous Metal
Label:becu 173 , CuBe2Pb C17300 , 173 becu
Price: -
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Product Description

C17300 Leaded Beryllium Copper


Cube2Pb--C17300 (CDA 173) The Leaded Beryllium Copper is identical to a version of lead-containing alloy C17200 and achieves the same exceptional strength after hardening. C17300 rods contain a small amount of lead to provide an alloy tailored for automatic machining operations and the Lead promotes formation of finely divided chips thus extending cutting tool life.

Beryllium Copper M25 C17300 1

Member Information

Lucheng Metal Company Limited
Country/Region:Fu Jian - China
Business Nature:Manufacturer
Contact:cathrine (sale)
Last Online:06 Jul, 2010