Titanium head, and more wear-resistant, non-rusting, non-allergic skin!
High-speed rotating titanium alloy wheel folder, a more thorough hair removal
Type do not have rechargeable batteries more convenient to use. No. 2 AAA batteries.
Can be very short hair removal can be as short as 0.25 millimeters of the root hair removal, thorough and lasting effect, to maintain smooth skin can be as long as three weeks.
Step One: To use the epilator head with the skin and at right angles to the direction of hair growthadvance.
Step 2: hair removal before wiping with massage bath massage arms and legs, so that hairs erect. Hot water bath for 15 minutes after the beginning of hair removal.
At this point the skin soft, diastolic pores, will be to minimize pain.
Step three: After hair removal will also pay attention to some of the emulsionhydrate the skin.
1. Most of epilator to charging, DC and battery as the driving force. Most of epilator head can not be washed.
2. Unhairing first 20 days generally. In the bath, the pores open when the quality of a good epilator, hair removal afterwill pay attention to some of the latex skin moisture!