High-density polyethylene pipe(HDPE Liner) is made from high density polyethylene as the main raw material, adding a small amount of antioxidants, Anti-UV absorbers and pigments.
Polypipe HDPE Charisticristic :
1. Long lifespan
It can be used for more than 50 years under normal condition
2. Good sanitary performance
It isn’t added the heavy metal salt stabilizer, and its material is non-toxic, does not scale. It is not easy to form dirt, and avoids secondary pollution of drinking water
3. Good corrosion resistance
It can resist variety of chemical mediator except few oxidants
4. Good crack growth resistance
5. Little coefficient of friction and low flow resistance
6. Excellent wear resistance
Its wear resistance is 4 times higher than steel pipe under normal conditions
7. Good solderability
Its interface strength is higher than the pipe body
8. Fine flexibility and anti-scratch ability
9. Low cost
It can reduce the cost of project substantially
Polypipe HDPE Usage:
1. City and town water supply
2. To transport natural gas & coal gas
3. Food & chemical industry
4. To transport ore & mud
5. To replace cement pipe, cast iron pipe & steel pipe