NPP-688-CKW Cracking White Paste

NPP-688-CKW Cracking White Paste
Origin:Made In Taiwan, China
Category:Chemicals / Resin
Label:cracking , textile printing
Price: -
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Product Description

NPP-688-C transparent rubber paste mixed with NPP-688-W white rubber paste and BCA-3070 Bottoming Additive 1% to bottom the basis twice.
Mix up NPP-688-CKC with NPP-688-CKW by 50~70% and 30~50%, respectively to print.
Printing operation can be performed after slightly dried for the next layer.
The more percentage of NPP-688-CKC applied the more strength of downward- binding gained.
Mixing with PRC series is highly recommended to produce accurate
and bright colors.
Suitable for screen with less 120 mesh.
Product Property:◇ Create irregular cracked texture on surface after dried
◇ Flexible to control the width of crack-line.
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Member Information

Country/Region:Taiwan, China
Business Nature:Manufacturer
Contact:Martin Jean (Int'l Trading)
Last Online:30 Jul, 2024