W Shape SIC Heating Element with the terminals at one end, are designed for three-phase power source applications, such as the float glass process.
When you place an order of the W Shape SIC Heating Element, please give following information:
OD:Outer Diameter;
HZ:Length Of Hot Zone;
CZ:Length Of Cold Zone;
OL:Total Length, A: Shank Spacing
Order Sample of the W Shape SIC Heating Element
W Shape: OD=20mm, HZ=250mm, CZ=350mm, OL=625mm, A=52mm,
Resistance: 0.9Ω Specify As: 20/250/625/52/0.9Ω
Note: For more information, such as the latest price and products catalogue, pls fell free to contact us by mail: jyb(at)jinyuco.com, jarrywu2008(at)gmail.com. Thanks in advance.