SKYPE: yeson.cary
Hand-held mileage correction tool, powed by two CORTEX ARM cores, speeds up to 200MHZ. With SD card interface to load and save files, USB port for update by the Internet. 320*240 TET LCD with 256K colours to show pictures and help files in detail. Integrated CAN-BUS / J1850 / CCD-BUS / ISO9141 / SPI protocols in one multifunctional interface.
No need to use the R200 or R250 anymore!!!. No more risky soldering, removing resistors or lifting legs on MCU's. Everything can now be done in seconds by the VAG Prog through the OBD port.
Add software and adaptors for other vehicle manufacturers (BMW, Mercedes, Ford, etc) enabling you to choose what vehicles you wish to program.
Includes Main hardware, OBD adapter, EEPROM adapter, USB cable, Clip 1, Touch holder 1, Touch holder 2, SD card and Power cables with standard software that excludes software options.