Product Description
Application & Features:
The raw material enters the rolling mill to filter away impurities such as scrap iron , stone ,tec. To ensure the safety of the roller of the calender.During the process of rolling , the threshing of the screw rod promotes the uniform plasticization of the plastics , and heat preser-vation by heating can be adopted of stabliszing the process.
Main technical parameter:
Model SJL-160 SJL-200 SJL-220 SJL-250 SJL-300 SJL-350
Screw diamete(mm) Ф160 Ф200 Ф220 Ф250 Ф300 Ф350
Motor(kw) 55DC 75DC 90DC 110DC 132DC 160DC
Material for screw and rolling mill
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