Scanning Methods:Electronic convex/Electronic linear/Electronic micro-convex
Applications:Abdomen, OB/GYN, Small parts, Urology, Cardiology, Pediatrics
Display modes:B, B/B, 4B, M, B/M
Gray scale:256 levels
Scanning Techniques:Real-time dynamic imaging: RDF, RDA, DFS, DRA
Harmonic imaging
Scanning Depth:240mm Max(depend on the probe types)
Probe Frequency:2.5MHz -10.0MHz (Depend on the probe types)
No. of Probe Connectors:2
Monitor:10-inch SVGA high resolution monitor
CINE loop:256 frames, playback selectable, can be saved in USB disk and recalled for analysis
Image storage:Built-in memory, storage via USB disk, saved image can be recalled for measurement
Zoom:Intelligent zoom in real-time and forzen mode, 4-step
Image Processing:
Pre-processing: IP selection, dynamic range, edge enhancement, smooth, frame averaging, scanning angle selection, line density selection
Post-processing: γcorrection, gray transformation, gray rejection
STC: 6 slides for Near, Far and Overall gain control.
Image Reversing:Left/right, Up/Down
Software Packages:
General software packages for Abdomen, OB/GYN, Small parts, Urology, Cardiology
Special cardiology package: LV, Mitral valve, Aortic valve, CO, LVET, MVCF, Cardiac Index, SV, EF etc.
Special fetal growth analysis software package: LMP, BBT, fetal growth curve, fetal weight
General Measurements:
B mode: distance, circumference, area, volume, ratio, angle, % stenosis, histogram, profi le
M mode: distance, time, velocity, heart rate
EDD tables: BPD, GS, CRL, FL, HC, AC(user-defi ned EDD tables are available)
Report templates:Normal report, OB report, GYN report, Urology report and Cardiac report
Archives Management:Patient information management
Documentation:Full screen documentation, hospital name, patient name, date/time;Annotation database available, pre-saved phrases can be recalled
Power Supply:AC 230V±10%, 50Hz(standard)/AC110V±10%, 60Hz (Upon customer request)
Standard Confi guration:Main unit + 3.5MHz convex probe + 2 USB ports + VGA port + Internet port + 2 probe connectors + Harmonic
Options:7.5MHz linear probe, 6.0MHz transvaginal probe,3.0MHz cardiac probe, 7.5MHz transrectal probe, Video printer, USB flash disk,DICOM,Trolley (TR-8000)