FIMOR silk- printing squeegee
SR Series: suitable for general printing, good solvent resistance and abrasion resistance of PU squeegee. Easy grinding, different colors represent different hardness: 65 degrees - red, 75 degrees - green, 85 degrees - blue.
Specifications generally: 50mm * 9mm * 3.66m /roll. SR series can be used for maximum printing squeegee pressure, a variety of fabrics and high-viscosity ink,Suitable for high tension from the small mesh screen. Its good adaptability, can be used to print most of the irregular surface, such as a bottle, tube or pen.
Can get thicker ink and a higher rate of 65 degrees soft cover scratch printing.
Available at 85 degrees thin hard plastic scraping ink printing, UV ink is more suitable in the fine print fonts and lines. Try to avoid excessive pressure on the squeegee on the screen, this move will lead to ink a very thick, difficult to control, excessive wear will also screen, so the correct way is to let the two ends of the squeegee and screen edges appropriate distance, and then printed with the appropriate pressure.