Gharpure Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

Member Description

Gharpure Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.Gharpure group of companies is headed by Mr. Yashwant Gharpure. The group of companies include : - 1) Gharpure Associates :- Consultants to Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry 2) Gharpure Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. :- Industrial & Management Consultants including Market Survey Reports & Techno Economic Viability Reports.

3) Gharpure Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.:- Industrial & Management Consultants & Dealers in Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals.

4) Industrial Polyclinic (India) Pvt. Ltd :- Consultancy for everything under one roof.

The group of companies started business in 1985 and provide following services : - * Consultancy services including product identification, Market survey etc.

* Techno-economic feasibility report preparation.

* Technology sourcing * Preparation of basic engineering package from Laboratory / Pilot plant

* Detailed engineering.

* Procurement services including inspection and expediting.

* Site management including project monitoring.

* Pre-commissioning and commissioning assistance.

* Technical publication such as Pharma Data Book

Member Info

Member Class:Free MemberLast Online:19 Sep, 2017
Account Type:Business

Detailed Information

Company Name:Gharpure Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.


Address:405, Vikas, 11 Bank Street, Horniman Circle, Mumbai
Zip/Postal code:400023
Contact Person:Y.H. Gharpure (Chairman)


Business Nature:Services or Others
Founded Year:1985
Number of Employees:5 ~ 20

Other Languages: 简体 | 繁體
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