We are a leading tractor factory in China Shandong who specialized in producing and exporting medium & small sized tractor from 25hp to 50hp. We have full tractor features for your selection: 2WD & 4WD, power steering, cabin, roll bar, canopy, square & steamline hood. The tractors are suitable for wet & dry land aplications and transporation. We have exported to more than 60 countries including Africa, Middle-east region, Latin America and South-east Asia etc.
Based on morden processing equipment and assembly line, we also supply tractor mounted implements such as trailer, rotary tiller, disc plow, disc, harrow, seeder, mower, hole digger and share plough etc. Our flour mill incuding double & single folour mills and complete plant for corn, wheat, rice flour processing.
With reliable quality, competitive price, sufficient parts supply and prompt after-sales service, we are ready to try our best to cooperate with you.