Shanghai Giant Trading Co., Ltd.wei wang (zhuguan)
Member Description![]() 中心地带 The center 公司总部所处的田纳西州,是为美国人口最多的地区提供服务的最理想的地带。以田纳西州仓库为中心,“美国人”产品能够在几天之内送到北美洲的任何一个角落。 Company headquarters is located in Tennessee, is to provide service for the United States of America's most populous area an ideal location. The Tennessee warehouse, "Americans" products can be delivered to any corner of North America in a few days. 制造大师 Manufacturing master “美国人”公司拥有现代化的制造和仓储设施,以及一千多名员工,每天产量可达几千台热水器。“美国人”公司的员工为他们持之以恒地改善已经非常优异的产品质量而感到自豪。公司新式自动化容器制造生产线,喷漆和部件安装设备,质量检验站,自动化锻压控制系统和成型设备,都能够有效控制产品制造成本、提高综合质量。 "The Americans" with modern manufacturing and warehouse facilities, and more than one thousand employees, the daily output of up to thousands of water heaters. "The Americans" company employees as they persevere to improve the already excellent product quality and proud. The company's new automated container manufacturing production line, paint and parts fabrication equipment, quality testing stations, automatic press control system and molding equipment, can improve the comprehensive quality of manufacturing cost, effective control of product. 技术创新的领袖 Technology innovation leader “美国人”的工程技术人员始终致力于维护“美国人”的行业技术创新领袖的地位。在所有热水器通用的节能技术领域,“美国人”一直处于领先位置。最近在安全性的开发领域、更加高效的能源利用领域又取得了成功。“美国人”热水器为“美国人”赢得了行业内最安全、最可靠、使用成本最低的美誉。 "Engineering and technical personnel of American" is committed to maintaining Member Info
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