Welcome to Anhui Worldbest Bags page. This website describes what our company has to offer the clients. Since 2002, Anhui Woldbest Bags factory has been producing and exporting the promotional eco-friendly tote bags, the neoprene wine bottle pouches and laptop sleeves, nylon backpacks, sports duffles and cooler bags. Meanwhile, to meet our customers’ various demands, we have set up the good connections with over 20 partner factories in China and sourced more products for our customers, such as handbags, leather wallets, trolley l age sets, picnic sets etc. Our quality are reliable and price competitive. Our main customers are from US, Europe, South America, Japan etc. Our bags have been sold to some world chain stores such as Costco, Target and so on. Our annual average turnover amounts to around eight million US dollars.
Once you have found something of interest , please feel free to contact us and inquire.