Anyang Furui Trade Co.,LtdConan (Sales Manager) |
Member Description
AnYang FuRui Steel, China Top 20 steel trading company(Top 1 in Henan Province), was founded in 2007, with 50 million RMB registered capital and the most comprehensive and the strongest resource advantages from AnGang Group and ShaGang Group(A-level agent and enjoy the biggest privilege of Mills). The company owns 500-acre Logistics Park, more than 30 sets of handing equipments and 3 special railways.
As a professional steel sales group, FuRui has adopted multiple operation strategy with diversified programs, such as energy industry, warehouse management, transportation and generalization of product management, etc. Generally, we keep an annual stock of 15,000 tons, including mineral powder, steel billet, steel plate, steel roll coil, steel wire rod, steel bar, etc. Moreover, our ribbed bar , hot rolled coil and ship building plate are certificated respectively by CARES, CE from European Union and CCS authentication from nine nations. Our products are widely used in variety areas such as national defense, aerospace, transportation, equipment manufacturing, shipping, petroleum pipe line, high-rise building, etc. Our products have been sold to over 20 provinces and cities domestically, and have been spread over global market such as East Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Western Europe, South America, and Africa. Our sales have been over 2 billion RMB five years in a row and more than 8 billion RMB in 2014. Through the continuous prosperity, FuRui has become the bench-marking enterprise in steel industry. Aiming at becoming the integrator of global steel chain supplier with combined competence and comprehensive value-add capability, Freyr has been moving forward step by step through promoting the global market by drawing upon steel products. Welcome to Visit our mill for long cooperation and checking steel quality at any time. New Product
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