Chengdu Huayuan Dafei Co., Ltd. 's production lines professional decal company specialized in customized decorative water-transfer decals under brand name "Jitian".. Our company explored an integrated decaled glass and ceramic bottle procedure, includeing design, research & develop, decal printing, bottle manufacturing, glazing and decal.
Jitian's premium grade water transfer decal paper is easy to use and widely applied to most surfaces including: Glass (wine bottle, water bottle, perfume bottle, trophies, clocks, etc ),Plastics (model planes, trains, automobiles, etc), Wax (Candles), Wood (art,Furnishings, Crafts), Metal, Cardboard, Tile (for kitchens, bathrooms, etc),Pottery, Ceramics & Enamel.
Tel: +86 28 85240018
Fax: +86 28 85190938
Email: linky@cdhydf.com