Tongxiang Xiaoying Pollution Control Technology Co.,Ltd is one of the largest environmental-protection companies in China engaging in designing and manufacturring the Oil Spill Control and Containment Products.
The company’s main products include skimmers, oil booms, storage facilities, oil spill monitoring systems and oil spill recovery boats in five categories. The skimmer series includes the belt, side –hanging, weir, rope mop, vacuum and disk skimmers; The boom series includes inflatable, solid float, PVC, quick-laying, shoal booms and fireproofing booms; Accessories include oil spill emergency offloading pump, oil tank, recovery net, spraying device, cleaner, sorbent booms, absorbent rope mop, absorbent felt, oil dispersant, floating tank and positioning buoy; The oil spill monitoring series includes the intelligent monitoring and alarming system for offshore oil spills, the offshore oil spill monitoring buoy, the oil spill monitoring radar, the oil spill shifting model, the oil spill emergency response management and command system; The oil spill recovery boat series includes the single and twin-hull boats for the recovery of spill oils.