Five Wing Network LimitedJongkeon Shin (CEO) |
Member Description![]() • Started with entertainment management for TV shopping and consulting business for the Japanese cosmetic market, and brand launching business. • Launched and distributed own fashion accessory brand in Japan; all products were sold through the Japan TV shopping channel under the own brand name “Flordia”. • Developed new cosmetic brand “Viebrillant” and its product series “esprina” from the end of 2013. - ThefirstproductsofViebrillantesprinawerelaunchedinDecember2014. - All Viebrillant products were sold through the Japan 24hour live TV shopping channel under own brand name of “ Viebrillant esprina”. - Now Viebrillant esprina has launched more than 8 items on the Japan 24hour live TV shopping channel. - Sincetheendof2015,FiveWingNetworkLimitedhasmainlyfocusedonthecosmeticbusiness. - AllproductsaremanufacturedinKoreanfactories,andexportedtoJapanandothercountries. New Product
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