TENNG is a licensed Regional Operator of the INTEROCO Copyright Office in the Republic of Korea. Headquarters of the INTEROCO Copyright office is located in European Union (Germany, Berlin city). The INTEROCO Copyright Office is a global full-automated electronic legal service for protection rights of authors from different countries. Created as a fast non-government legal protection system for authors, today provides wide opportunities for copyright protection for the applicants from Europe, CIS-countries, Asia, Middle East and other regions. Only in the 2018 year, the number of copyrighted works in the INTEROCO Copyright Office was 82,407 items from 39 countries.
The main focus of the INTEROCO Copyright Office is a full implementation of the requirements of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (The Republic of Korea joined to the Berne Convention in 1996). IP-certificates of INTEROCO Copyright Office are recognized by all global Internet-services providers like Google, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Apple Store (iOS-market), Google Play (Android-market), etc.