Model: | - |
Brand: | - |
Origin: | - |
Category: | Services / Commercial Service |
Label: | Business license , Company verification , Due diligence |
Price: |
Min. Order: | 1 report |
Last Online:26 Aug, 2018 |
We check if a Chinese business license is genuine or fake and do a full translation of the business license information and make a comparison with data from the National Enterprise Credibility Publicity System.
It is standard practice to ask a Chinese seller, buyer, supplier or potential partner to provide a copy of their business license to show the company is legit. The business license provides useful company facts such as:
Why check a Chinese business license?
With some free photo editing software it is fairly simple to create a false digital copy of business license. Examples of the most common modifications are:
1. Use a company name that is not registered in China
2. Changing establishment date to hide that the company was recently established.
3. Changing the name of legal representative
4. Increasing the amount of registered capital to appear financially stronger
5. Increasing the term of operation or expiry date