Noddoor company is a professional manufactory in studying, selling, producing and maintaining of rolling shutter.
我们在产品质量及售后服务方面都加入了新的元素,使得这一传统行业向着规 范及高品质发展。我们的产品及服务保证严谨可靠,秉承着服务至上、客户第一 的原则为广大客户带来新颖、安全的卷闸产品。
In order to improve the whole industry level higher, we try a lot to offer new element in more comprehensive. The primary principia is that the customer's require are above all
and what we do is just to bring them new and safe in rolling shutter experience.
除了产品外,在安装与维修服务上同样以优质高效享誉业界。我们特设24小时服 务电话。并做到全年无休。使得用户即使在节假日也能得到最优质的服务。免去 您的后顾之忧。
Moreover, we render the most responsive and efficient in installation and after-sales services. Our service hotline is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so you can always contact us if the need arises.