我公司主要经营稀贵金属(铂Pt 铑Rh 钯Pd 铱Ir 锇Os 钌Ru的材料及产品),有色金属和矿产品以及废料的进出口业务并且经营机电机械设备,化工,轻工业品纺织品和材料.科教仪器.农副土特产品等.另外,我们提供技术咨询和合资合作项目.
Our company is a comprehensive economic entity specializing in foreign trade ,we engage in the import and export of rare and precious metals,nonferrous metals (as well as the recovery of their waste materials ),mineral,electric and machinery equipment ,chemical ,medical ,light industries and textile products and materials . science and teaching instrument . farm and subsidiary products, native produces, animal by produces,animal by products,arts and crafts,oils and foodstuffs etc. besides,we render service in technical consultancy and commercial agency . we are willing to do business in advanced technology and new products with our clients at home and abroad in the way of joint venture, operative management , compensation trade and toll processing