
原产地:台湾 中国
类别:电脑、影音数码 / 电脑用品及外设 / 光盘、磁盘
标签︰拷贝机 , 控制器 , 拖头
单价: ¥900 / 件
最少订量:1 件


  • 本机为完全独立之操作系统,无须连接电脑或额外添购软体即可使用, 降低软体安装及相容性的困扰,操作简便.
  • 使用者无须懂电脑便可轻松驾驭,易学易用.
  • 具有外接USB接头,可连接电脑(DVD-319);或可选购USB 模组连接电脑(DVD-399/DVD-688/DVD-668).
  • 适用于多种格式: DVD-ROM, DVD-video, DVD-R, DVD-audio, DVD-RAM,DVD-RW,DVD+R,DVD+RW,CD-R, CD-RW等规格.
  • 具有拷贝,比对,模拟写入,抹除...等功能,提供工作需求.
  • 具有降速烧录功能,提高烧录的成功率.
  • 具母片/DVD片检测功能.
  • 具抹除功能,便于清除CD-RW, DVD-RW,DVD+RW上旧资料.
  • 快取记忆体设计,提高系统性能.
  • 支援多种复制配备: Asus, Pioneer ,Benq ,Liteon ,Sony ,Teac,LG...
  • 具工作倍数,资料量即时显示.
  • 具密码设定.
  • 工作数量计数.
  • 空片格式,倍数,及厂商制造码显示.
  • 俱备韧体更新功能.
  • 1. Ultimate design for 10-target DVD duplicating controller card.

    2. Ten fully independent Ultra-DMA channels for ten ports on-board to connect up to 10 targets of 16X DVD writer for max. speed of 16X DVD writing.

    3. One extra isolated/independent channel for master ROM reader and hard drive for reading and providing data to targets.

    4. 64MB large cache-buffer DDR-SDRAM on-board to ensure of data's fluency from master to targets.

    5. Friendly user interface, easy understanding and operation by large-scale 20 x 2 LCD display.

    6. Two RS-232 ports to enable the connection of robot arm for automatic DVD duplication (approval of robotic arm required) and operation logfile downloading (needs optional COMM module to convert from 4-pin to 9-pin RS-232 connection).

    7. Max. compatibility for writers in the market such as Pioneer, Asus, BenQ, LG, Lite-ON, NEC, Sony, Plextor, etc.

    8. Stability and robust structure, enable long-life continuous usage.

    9. Easy BIOS upgrade available.

    10. Multi-language supported such as English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc.

    11. CD-R/CD-RW/DVD+R/DVD+RW/DVD+R DL writing capability and write speed depend on those CD/DVD writers installed by users. Also the write speed may drop to lower speed when unqualified DVD media used.

慧全拷贝机控制器  1


联系人︰林启河 (业务)