
类别:电子、电力 / 光缆和电缆电线 / 电线电缆
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该机是为聚晶模抛光而专门设计。抛光范围在 0.35MM 以上时速度快,可节省多次磨针的时间,从而提高效率。具有加工效率高,质量好和噪音低的优点。能快速地对模具进行整形或抛光,并能快速地使加工面达到镜面。尤其对大规格模具的加工有显著的作用。


加工范围( mm ):         0.35-5.00

电源:                     220V 50HZ

最大输出功率( W ):      150

换能器:                   日式磁致伸缩式

工作频率( KHZ ):        25

模座转速( rpm min ): 180

模座摇摆( time min ):150

摇摆角度:                  不小于 12 度(可调)



1)超声波发生器: 超声波发生器被安装在一个450*210*410*的铁皮箱子内,为一个超声波电源。线路采用频率自动跟踪,对不同的钢针能自动修正频率,使之相匹配,从而达到超声输出及震荡效果。

2)换能器: 换能器为磁致伸缩水冷式。具有高效的换能效果,能将超声波转换成平稳地超声震荡,冷却采用加水循环冷却,并具有噪音小之特点。



1) 安装:把机座放置在平稳的桌面上,将换能器升降移动调整至合适的位置然后锁紧,将超声波发生器及砂轮机放置在旁边,然后用随机所配的输出线将超声波发生器与换能器连接起来,而将机座上的电源插头插入超声波发生器的电源输出插座上。检查无误后,在开关都处于关的状态下将超声波发生器电源插头插入带有牢固接地线的电源插座上。

2)使用: 根据所需加工模具的大小,选择合适的变幅杆和钢针,将钢针用银焊条牢固地焊接在变幅杆上。然后在砂轮上磨削出合适的角度,装在换能器上拧紧。模具放在模座上,调节十字脱板及换能器上下拖板,使钢针插入模孔内,然后放上磨料,打开超声波电源开关和模座旋转开关。调节超声波输出功率旋钮至适当大小,然后可见磨料在超声波作用下搅动,即模具加工或抛光正在进行中。

A.    An overview
It is specially designed for polycrystalline die polishing. It is quick when the polishing scope is over 0.35MM, saving grinding time  to improve efficiency. It has advantages of high processing efficiency, good quality and low noise. Be able to plastic or polishing quickly on die, and quickly make the processing side to reach mirror. In particular, it plays a significant role for large-sized mold processing.

B.       technical parameters
Processing range (mm): 0.35-5.00
Power: 220V 50HZ
Maximum output power (W): 150
Transducer: Japanese nickel-chip inductive
Frequency (KHZ): 25
Die-seat speed (rpm / min): 180
Die-seat swing (time / min): 150
Swing angle: not less than 12 degrees (adjustable)


C.working principle and equipment constitute
This machine uses ultrasonic high-speed vibration, by the steel needle and abrasive, strike on the processed surface, grind processed surface to meet the needing shape and size.This equipment consists of ultrasonic generator, transducer, machine base.
(1) ultrasonic generator: ultrasonic generator is installed in a 450 * 210 * 410 * iron box, is ultrasonic power. Line uses automatic frequency tracking, correct automatically frequency of different steel needle to match each other, so as to achieve ultrasound output and shock effect.
(2) transducer: pure nickel film of water-cooling type. Has efficient transducer effect, ultrasound can be converted into smooth ultrasound shock, using water cycle cooling, and has the characteristic of low noise.
(3) Machine base: Table can be rotated and can swing Machine base  before and after. install a spring inside table, you can move it up and down, and it can adjust the pressure, swing it before and after by eccentric wheel and pulley,, the swing margin is about 12 degrees, while the platform was installed in the L-plate and can correct center to ensure ingdie deformation and roundness in polishing process. the transducer is installed on a pair of board after the column which can be moved up and down.




USMY-150N25S超声波摇摆加工专用机  1


联系人︰xu (jl)