型號: | NKVSR3 |
品牌: | 廣州國能控制技術 |
原產地: | 中國 |
類別: | 電子、電力 / 其它電力、電子 |
標籤︰ | 35kv/38kv/40.5kv , 充氣櫃 , 全密封全絕緣 |
單價: |
/ 套
最少訂量: | 1 套 |
共箱式SF6氣體全絕緣全密封真空開關櫃] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
配電網全絕緣全密封SF6看門狗分界開關開閉所NKVSR3簡介 看門狗分界全絕緣全密封六氟化硫開關開閉所 共箱式SF6六氟化硫氣體全絕緣全密封真空開關櫃
配網看門狗分界開關在10 kV線路上的應用可大大減少無故障線路的連帶性事故停電、縮小故障停電範圍、縮短用戶停電時間,從而提高用戶的供電可靠性。
圖1 分界開關控制器示意圖
表2 分界負荷開關的故障處理方式
3 分界負荷開關的定值與變電站出線保護定值配合問題
5 安裝分界負荷開關應注意的問題
圖2 分界負荷開關安裝示意圖
二 配電網全絕緣全密封SF6(六氟化硫)看門狗分界負荷開關本體部分介紹 NK(XGN口-12)箱型固定式交流充氣金屬封閉開關設備
概述 NK(XGN口-12)箱型固定式交流充氣金屬封閉開關設備 (簡稱”SF6環網櫃)是在 ABB公司ABBUniswitch Safe-Ring\Safe-Plus環網櫃SF6負荷開關技術基礎上, 結合我公司多年產品開發和製造經驗,自主開發的具有高可靠性的免維護小型化開關櫃,產品適用於三相交流50Hz,電壓為3-24KV環網供電或輻射供電系統;產品所有高壓帶電部件,包括負荷開關,斷路器,接地開關,一次母線等均密封在充有SF6氣體的不鏽鋼箱體中,進出線採用全密封的肘形電纜插頭,受環境影響少,在使用環境比較惡劣及空間比較窄的場所更顯出優越性:如:預裝式變電站,地下變電站,區礦企業或環境潮濕,污穢較嚴重的地區.
本系列環網櫃符合 GB/T11022-1999<<高壓開關設備和控制設備標準的共用技術要求>>, GB3804-2004<3.6KV-40.5KV高壓交流負荷開關>>, GB16926-1997<<高壓交流負荷開關-熔斷器>> GB-1985-2004<<高壓交流隔離開關和接地開關>>, DL/T404-1997 <<戶內交流高壓開關櫃訂貨技術條件>>, DL/T791-2001<<戶內交流充氣式開關櫃選用導則>>等標準, 在正常條件下運行壽命超過20年.
General NK(XGN口-12) series fixed type indoor AC metal clad switchgear (SF6 RMU Abbreviation). one of minimized switchgear with the character of excellence reliability and maintenance free ,is a new product self –developed by R&D of group based on the years experience in R&D and fabrication on products and on the advance technology of ABB SF6 LBS &ABB Uniswitch Safe-Ring\Safe-Plus. The product is suitable for AC 3 to 24KV power distribution system with configuration either ring or radiant.. Its all live part including LBS,CB, ES and primary busbar are sealed in the tank made of stainless steel and the elbow –shape cable connectors and adopted for the incoming or out-going, that leds it is suitable for use in the bad ambient condition and relatively restricted space ,just like in pre-fabricated substation, underground substation, industrial and mining enterprises or in high humidity and heavy pollution area. The series of RMU is compliance with the following standards and its service life is mord than 20 years under normal ambient condition.
GB/T1022-1999 <<Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standars>> IEC 694:1996 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards EQV
GB3804-2004 <<Alternating current high voltage load-breaker>> (IEC 60265-1/FDIS: 1997 high voltage switchgear part 1:Swiches for rated voltage above 1KV and less than 52KV .MOD
GB/T1984-2003 <<Alternating current high –voltage circuit-breaker>> (IEC 62271-100: 2001 high –voltage switchgear and controlgear part 100: high-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers .MOD)
GB/T1984-2004<<High-voltage alternating-current disconnectors and earthing Switches>> (IEC 62271-100: 2002 high –voltage alternating-current disconnectors and earthing switches .MOD)
DL/T404-1997<<Indoor AC high voltage switchgear>> (IEC298:1990 A.C metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1KV and up to including 52KV .EQV)
DL/.T791-2001<<Specifications of A.C. HV gas-filled switchgear panel >> (IEC420:1990 high-voltage alternating current switch-fuse combination and IEC 517-1990 Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltage of 72.5KV and above :MOD)
Product code of manufacturer NK(XGN口-12)口 NK產品企業代號 X箱型 Cubicle Type G固定式 Fixde Type N戶內 Indoor 口設計序號 Design Series 12額定電壓kV Rated Voltage 口組合方案(V、F、C、D) Combination Scheme V: 真空斷路器單元 V: VCB unit F: 負荷開關熔斷器組合單元 F : LBS-Fuse combination unit C: 負荷開關單元 C: LBS unit D: 直接進出線單元 D: in & Out Directly unit 開關櫃外形及基本結構 1雙通套管(單元擴展用) 2熔斷器室 3電纜室 4操作機構 5充氣單元 6底架
The outline and base structure of cubicle 1 Connecting bushing(for extending) 2 Fuse chamber 3 Cable chamber 4 Operating mechanism 5 Unit gas filled 6 Support frame
結構特點 產品由充氣室,操作機構,箱體底架,電纜室,熔斷器室及低壓室等五部分組成:
1共箱式設計:多迴路的一次元件安裝在同一個充氣室內,完成多項供配電功能,組合靈活. 2採用SF6氣體作為絕緣介質,最大限度縮小了櫃體的體積. 3採用屏蔽型電纜接頭,絕緣表面接地可觸摸,安全可靠,能適應惡劣的環境條件. 4採用壓氣式滅弧原理,SF6氣體作為滅弧介質,額定轉移電流達到2200A 5斷路器採用真空滅弧,短路開斷能力強,不會污染SF6氣體 6負荷開關和接地開關之間裝有完善的機械聯鎖裝置. 7充氣室設有多個觀察窗口,可從多個角度看到斷口狀態. 8開關櫃設有帶電顯示器,氣壓表,壓力釋放裝置等,操作安全可靠 9充氣室為不鏽鋼殼體,可靠接地,增加了電氣安全性 10負荷開關安裝在封閉的絕緣筒中,既減少了污染,又方便更換 11根據用戶的需要,在櫃體上方可以引出套管作為擴展單元用 12底架空間寬闊,可安裝多分支電纜插頭及避雷器等.
Features in configuration The RMU consists of 5 portions :Gas filled chamber, Operation mechanism, Supporting frame,Cable chamber, Fuse chamber and Secondary circuit(LV) chamber 1 One tank design: Multi-circuit in one gas filled tank with agile combination to performance difference power distribution functions 2 With SF6 gas as insulated medium to reduce the volume greatly 3 Shield cable terminals with touchable surface and reliable safety character are suitable for abominable ambient condition 4 Using SF6 as the arc extinguishing medium ,the LBS which adopting gas-pressed are extinguishing principle is able to break the transfer current up to 2200A 5 The circuit breaker is vacuum type with high breaking capacity and no pollution to SF6 gas 6 There is a perfect mechanical interlock between LBS and ES. 7 The state of contacts can be chock in difference angles by eye easy from some viewing windows of tank filled 8 The cubicle is equipped with the living indicator, pressure gage and the over pressure releaser to ensure the safety of service 9 The tank filled with gas and made from stainless steel is earthing reliably to increase the electric safety 10 The fuse is barreled in insulated cylinder to prevent the pollution in which the fuse body is easy to replace 11 If need to extend to fit a bushing on the top of cubicle for extending is available 12 The multi-branch cable plugs and arresters can be fitted in bottom support chamber with vast space
Product code of manufacturer
操動機構 負荷開關操動機構: 手動或電動,彈簧儲能快合快分操作. Operating mechanism Operating mechanism of LBS: Manual or motor, Spring energy storing for performing fast C & fast O operation.
接地開關操動機構: 手動分合閘操作;合閘時快速合閘裝置使主地刀具有關合短路 電流的能力. .接地開關與主開關有可靠的機械聯鎖機構 當主開關合閘后,接地開關不能合閘;反之.當接地開關合閘后,主開關不能合閘 Operating mechanism of ES: Manual operating; The main earthing blade is provided with the capacity of making short circult current due its fast closing design. There is a rellable mechanical interlock between the LBS and the ES,when the LBS is in close position the ES cannot be closed;when,contrarily,the ES is closed the LBS can not be closed.
負荷開關熔斷器組合電器的操作機構 手動或電動操作使合閘,分閘彈簧同時儲能,操作機構儲能后顯示”彈簧已儲能”..合閘時,合閘彈簧釋能快速合閘,分閘彈簧維持儲能狀態;若有故障電流使熔斷器熔斷,則熔斷器的撞針使脫扣器動作開關快速斷開.分閘時,通過手動或電動方式反方向操作(或通過分勵脫扣器,熔斷器撞擊裝置動作)使分閘彈簧脫扣后迅速釋放以實現”快分”.
The mechanism of LBS-Fuse combination unit: Manual or motor energize the O & C springs synchronously, The indicator of “ Spring energized “will appear after spring energized.
When closing ,the C spring release the energy stored quickly to close the LBS, the O spring keeps in energized estate, if the fuse is melted due to the fault current, then the firing-pin of fuse strikes the releaser of LBS to open quickly.
When opening, the O spring will release the stored energy to perform the “ast open” by the opposition-operation of manual or motor (or by the shunt releaser or by the strike action of the firing-pin of fuse)
斷路器操動機構 採用彈簧操作機構,通過波紋管密封裝置傳遞分合閘動力.
Operating mechanism of CB Spring mechanism drives the close or open energy to CB by seal bellows driver
SF6環網櫃是一種小型的GIS開關設備,所有高壓帶電部件均封閉在不鏽鋼殼體內,箱體里充有相對壓力為0.03Mpa的SF6氣體,起絕緣及滅弧作用. 充氣室內安裝有專用的吸附劑,可有效控制SF6氣體的水分含量以及電弧分解物所產生的其他雜質. 每個充氣室帶有氣壓表,底部裝有壓力釋放裝置和釋放通道,當箱體內部氣壓由於短路故障,高溫等原因導致異常升高時,它首先被破而釋放壓力,對人身及設備起到了安全防護作用.
Gas filled chamber NK(XGN口-12)series SF6 RMU is a kind of GIS ,its all HV living part are sealed in a stainless Steel tank which filled with SF6 gas at 0.03Mpa in as insulation and arc extinguishing medium. There is a special absorbent inside ,to absorb the trace moisture of SF6 gas and the decompositions of SF6 by the function of arc and other impurity/. Each gas-filled tank of cubicle is equipped with a pressure gauge, and with a pressure releaser and the pressure relief channel. If the gas pressure in the tank rises up to abnormal value due to the arc or high temperature ,then the releaser is broken firstly by pressure to release the pressure therefore to ensure the Safety of operator and the equipment.
負荷開關 負荷開關以SF6氣體作為絕緣和滅弧介質,採用獨特的直動壓氣式滅弧原理.利用活塞和氣缸在開斷過程中的相對運動產生壓縮氣體經噴口處高速吹向電弧,電弧被拉長,並冷卻至熄滅
LBS The LBS adopts the princlple of straight move to compress gas to extinguish the arc.The current carrying part is apart from the arc-extinguishing prat,during the opening, the gas compressed by the piston and cylinder with opposite movement blows to the arc quickly via a nozzle,then the arc is being stretched and cooled off till quenched
負荷開關熔斷器組合電器 熔斷器安裝在環氧樹脂製成的絕緣套筒中,從櫃前可以很容易的進行更換.絕緣套筒插入到充氣室內,並與充氣室之間有很好的密土封,既保証了充氣室內SF6氣體不會洩漏,又保証了充氣室內電氣部件與熔斷器之間可靠的電氣連接.任意一相熔斷器熔斷,負荷開關脫扣跳閘.
LBS-Fuse combination unit The fuse is barreled in insulated cylinder in which the fuse body is easy to replace from the Front side of cubicle. The insulated cylinder is inserted in gas filled tank and with sealed well from Tank ,so the gas in the tank can not leak and the fuse has a reliable contact with the living part in side. If the fuse in any phase is melted due to the fault current, then LBS to be opened quickly.
環網櫃主要技術參數 Table 1
電纜的安裝與連接 位於櫃體下部的電纜室,實現多迴路的進出線連接
Cable connection: Multi-circuit cables can be arranged and connected in the nether cable chamber.
單元擴展: 位於櫃體上部引出的雙通套管,通過絕緣母線實現與相鄰櫃體的自由組合及擴展
Unit extending : The bushing located in the top of cubicle can be used for joining the contiguous cubicles freely and extending by insulated busbar ducts
多於5迴路時採用絕緣母線擴展 Insulated busbar ducts are suitably used for extending the circuits as that is more than 5
環網櫃主要方案 環網櫃主要方案(可根據用戶要求進行左側擴展,右側擴展,左右兩側擴展;左側進出線,右側進出線.)
The main scheme of the RMU (The extending of cubicle in double side or in one side is available according to the requirement of user, the side in-coming or out-going arrangement is also available.)
注: R-直接進線單元 L-負荷開關單元 T-負荷開關熔斷器組合單元 D-真空斷路器單元 帶有熔斷器方案櫃體上方深度為745mm, 只有負荷開關方案櫃體上方深度為700mm 帶斷路器方案櫃體上方深度為850mm Note: D=745mm for with fuse D=700mm for with LBS only D=850mm for with VCB
安裝 .開關設備安裝基礎的施工應符合<<電力建設施工及驗收技術規範>>中的有關條款規定: 電房高度不低於2.5米 櫃體單列時,櫃前走廊以1.5米為宜;雙列佈置時,櫃間操作走廊以2米為宜; 一次電纜終端安裝嚴格按相關工藝要求: 電纜溝上方預埋10號槽鋼,櫃子放在槽鋼上固定;
Installation The foundation for cubicle should be in conformance with the relative requirements Stipulated in <<The Code of Erection and Acceptance of Electric Power Construction>> The height of cubicle room should not be lower than 2.5m The width of the corridor in front of cubicles which are arranged in one row takes 1.5m properly,2m for Double rows arrangement The assembly of primary cable terminals should be in accordance with requirements of relative technology Strictly The No.10 U type steel should be built in the top edges of cable trench as the base of cubicle
訂貨時需確定的資料內容 一次線路系統圖,排列圖及平面佈置圖 二次線路原理圖,其中包括操作,信號,保護迴路各電器無件的型號規格 開關櫃內電器元件的型號,規格,數量 特殊環境條件下的要求 附件及備件的種類和數量 用戶需要的特殊要求,訂貨時可以與製造廠協商
The information specified for ordering Primary scheme and the layout or arrangement sketch Principle diagram of secondary circuit, including the type and the spec of electric components in operation, Signal and protection circuit The type, specification and quantity of primary components in the cubicle Special ambient condition The sorts and the quantity of accessories and spare parts For special requirement, if any, please contact the manufacturer. |
广州国能自动控制技术有限公司 | |
國家/地區︰ | 广东省广州市 |
經營性質︰ | 生產商 |
聯繫電話︰ | 13928875776 |
聯繫人︰ | 文生 (經理) |
最後上線︰ | 2021/11/21 |