We Great Invention Technologies Co Limited Deepening Roots in Greater China, Focusing on Globalization, and Embracing Future Challenges!
,Great Invention Holdings Group Ltd consisted of Great PCB Electronics Co., Limited,Great Invention Industry Co Ltd, Great Networks Ltd ,
and Great Invention Co.,Ltd is the trading arm business group body for the holding company! we reminisce our diligent efforts for every challenge in the past, while focusing on TQM (total quality management) culture and building great future for our customers, partner & employees.
Twenty first century emphasizes globalization & international harmony with blurred & possibly invisible international boundaries. We look forward to our continued market leadership
To enhance our corporate social responsibility, we incorporated 3P philosophy (People, Planet, and Performance). By forming an environmental safety committee, we strive towards the objective of an environmentally conscious business entity. In future, we will adopt 3R methodology (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). We commit to promote green environment and society.
Sincere as the renowned management master, Peter Drucker once said: The best way to predict the future is to create it.”We intend to create our future during contribute to the business!