Established in 2006, G-fly Handbags Factory is a professional manufacturer of various handbags. Our products include Fashion neoprene laptop case,camera case,mobile phone case, winebottle coolers,computer accessories products,sport safty ,travel bags,shopping bags, Coin&key purse and leather crafts . All of the products are exported to worldwide markets with high quality.
During over 5 years of successful operation, we have made friends in the field around the world. We experience to produce the handbags for kinds of worldwide famous brands such as Coca Cola, IBM, HP, Canon, Thai Airline, Colgate, and L'Oreal etc.
From these years' experiences accumulation in the field of handbag's development, we have got the strong capacity in design and development. Everyday and every week our designers and sample makers get the new fashion design for handbags, which are showed in our showroom.
All in all, "Competitive Price, Excellent Quality and One-Stop Service" is our company's mission. We warmly welcome friends from all over the world to communicate and negotiate with us. We hope to establish friendly long-term business relationships with you in the near future.