Quanzhou SanFeng Bags Manufacturer

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Quanzhou SanFeng Bags Manufacturer

Quanzhou SanFeng Bags Manufactory, which is a firm specializes in various bags and cases.

There are totally 400 Employees at present in our factory and was expected to increase to 800 by year 2013. Among them there are more than 50 in management and R&D departments hold college degree. There are 70% workers with more than two years'experience and 25% with more than 5 years'experence. Our present monthly output is 300, 000 pieces and annual turnover is around 8 million US dollar. At present, our clients mainly distributed in Western Europe, North &South America and Australia.

The bags we are specialized in are sports bag, hydration backpack, Triangle bag, cooler bag, school bags, shopping bag, promotional bag, travel bags, latop bag, climbing bags, duffle bags, drawstring bags, backpacks and so on. They are popular in Europe, North America, Mideast and other areas.

Besides our own brand SanFeng, we also accept OEM/ODM objects according to our clients specific requirement. We have had long term business relationship with a lot of World-Known Brands like Casal Sports, Airness, Hummel, Vuarnet, Paris Saint-German etc.

If you have any inquiry on the bags kindly send inquiry to us freely. We will respond with price immediately.

Member Info

Member Class:Free Member
Last Online:19 Aug, 2014

Detailed Information

Company Name:Quanzhou SanFeng Bags Manufacturer

Fu Jian - China

Address:Sanfeng building,huanqing village,Qingyuan branch,Quanzhou City,Fujian Province,362000 China
Zip/Postal code:362000
Contact Person:Cherry (Salesperson)

Apparel & Fashion

Business Nature:Manufacturer
Founded Year:1997
Number of Employees:100 ~ 500