Established in Jan. 2012, Guangzhou Hanxin Bag Co. Ltd (Smart Handbag Factory) is a professional fashion bag manufacturer integrating development and production together. We specialize in manufacturing various styles of PU fashion bags, Canvas fashion bags, and genuine leather fashion bags for both women and men. We focus on middle and upper middle market with “moderate price, prompt delivery, flexible MOQ and excellent after-sales service” as our tenet.
We are located in Guangzhou, China, with convenient transportation access and raw materials sourcing. Covering an area of 600 square meters, we now have over 50 employees, with monthly output capacity of 10000 pieces PU bags/canvas bags and 1500 pieces genuine leather bags.
As a professional fashion bag manufacturer, we have been always committed to offer our customer OEM and ODM service. We can make your own bag designs according to your design sketches or physical samples. We will assist to source hardware with your logos for your bag. We are willing to make bags with your own logos, including leather stamped logo, metal logo, embroidery logo.