At Global Marketing Link,We specialize in plastic products,gift products,usb flash drives,bluetooth earphoe,bluetooth speakers,plastic pens,keychains.Wehave our own factory that allows for integrated manufacturing,resulting in reduced costs for you.In fact,all of our processes-design,injection molding,assembly and printing-are carried out in-house by our 150 skilled workers.Plus,we source all kind of gift products for our customers and control the product quality to ensure our customer believe us.
Our cost-effective poduction is a major reason Walmart,Costco,Rdioshack and other buyers in Europe,the US and the Middle East source from us.Each month,we turn out 500000pcs of plastic producs,100000pcs of usb flash drives and other products.For customers' request,our engineering team can have a sample ready for you in a fast a 7 days.We release 20 items every month.Let us be the power behind your sucess-Contact us right now.