With the high packing density of power semiconductors, transistor chips and discrete components, etc., the generated heat has to be conducted away as efficiently as possible. MH&W has solutions for almost every type of heat problem and application by offering films, adhesive tapes, thermal grease, gap fillers and other material forms from a variety of manufacturers.
Member Class: | Free Member |
Last Online: | 10 Aug, 2016 |
Company Name: | Shenzhen Aochuan Technology Co.,Ltd |
Country/Region: |
Guang Dong - China |
Address: | Miaoxi Industrial Park , Guihua Village, Guanlan Town , Baoan District |
Zip/Postal code: | 518100 |
Phone: | 86-755-29765771 |
Fax: | 86-755-27520218 |
Contact Person: | Justin.Li (sales manager) |
Mobile: | 29765771 |
Website: | https://aoktech.diytrade.com/sdm |
Industry: |
Electronics & Electricity |
Business Nature: | Manufacturer |
Founded Year: | 2007 |
Number of Employees: | 50 ~ 100 |