Dongguan Teshun Bags & Leather Goods is a professional manufacturer of various kinds of bags. We offer backpacks, travel bags, school bags, ladies' handbags, trolley bags, wash bags, cooler bags, mobile phone bags, shopping bags, computer bags and brief bags; and leather goods including wallets, cosmetic boxes, gift boxes, storage boxes, cigar boxes, notebooks and name card books, which are mainly exported to Europe, the US, Canada, Japan and the Middle East.
We have three factories, many partner factories and over 100 raw material suppliers. As such, we can turn out 150,000 to 200,000 pieces monthly. Our products are well received by Walt Disney, Sanrio, Walmart and Target.
Customized designs are welcome. Our 20 R&D engineers provide more than 5,000 designs for customers to choose from and develop four to five new products monthly. Furthermore, we have the capability to develop new material, new technology and new processing machines.