Guangzhou cindy auto supplies manufacturer(now owned two auto lens brand:VISiON IPHCAR Aika prestige and market share up to 40%)is a set of car lights accessories development,production and sales of production-oriented enterprises. professional development and production of automotive bifocal lens angel eyes light guiode,modified products.Provide lights products,coopeation model technology,markrt,full of joining cooperation OEM,ODM,and fortunately Dickey this idea is to create decorative and allow customers to trust and be proud to use first-class products.So fortunately Di ideas and wishes,as well as for the foreseeable future,we are convinced that only by standing on the client's posiyion,the pursuit of product quality,performance and style,can really make customers satisfaction.fortunately Di innovation and development,quality of survival,human basic,total development cooperatio,jointly lead the global security,the development of green energy-effcient lighting.