Nico Department Store was Founded in 2008, nico department store has been operating and managing 10 department stores named after nico vision, 3 department stores named after nico Center and shopping Center in Shanghai. Its department store retail chain network covers 10 major locations in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, shenzhen and chengdu.
With the mission of "innovation, foresight and efficiency to build a new model of urban fashion and life in China", nico department store is committed to improving the quality of life of consumers by providing a wide range of products and quality services. In 2009, nico department store took the lead in implementing the new business model of one-stop shopping department store "life hall" and thematic department store "fashion hall" to cater for the needs of different customers and create an incomparable shopping experience. Today, nico department store has been widely regarded as a retailer of quality goods and a symbol of quality life. The company will continue to expand retail network, and will go all out to further promote the "fashionable life ・ new personality" quality of life concept.