Cangnan Yanxin Bag has been a factory specializing in environmental items for almost 13 years. Our factory is BSCI, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001 audited.
Our main products include most bags, such as Tyvek bags, kraft paper bags, non-woven bags, cotton bags, canvas bags, PP woven bags, RPET bags, oxford bags, drawstring bags, cooler bags, makeup bags, etc… They are widely used for shopping, promotion, advertising, traveling and clothing packaging.
Our products are AZO-free, low cadmium, and non-toxic, which conforms to EU regulations and standards.
All our products can customized, including the size, material, weight, and logos. We also have some stock which are ready-to-ship.
We also help customers to make designs as requested. Besides, we have established our quality control system to meet our customers’ requirements. Our products are very cost-effective and quality guarantee. Surrounding “Top Quality as the Goal and Customers’ Satisfaction as Action’s Guidance”, Yanxin Bags warmly welcome you to join us on more projects!