Established in 1991, We, Fujian Worldwide Bags Factory, are a bags manufacturer and exporter. We have over 15 years experience for manufacturing all kinds of polyester and nylon bags such as sport bag, picnic bags, backpack, school bag, travel bag, tennis bag, ski & boot bags, rucksack, wallet, promotional bag, etc... with high quality, competitive prices, best service and punctual shipment are always at our aim.
Our factory covers over 20,000 square meters and contains 20 advanced production lines. We employ about 800 staffs. ODM and OEM orders are warmly welcome. Please find our website for your reference, you can refer to our styles or you can give us samples or drawing for prices comparison, making samples or placing order, and also we have got one department for developing and designing samples for all our potential customer if they don't have their own design for the sample style. In this case, you just only let us know what kinds of products you want and give us your logo, so we can draw some color swatch of bags for your approval before sample making.
Or if you want to see the real sample, please inform us then we can arrange samples for your reference.
Anyway, we are looking forward to hearing from your reply and hope we can have a very good business in the near future. If this information is not useful for you at the moment, please keep our company name at your record.