A&T International Trade Co., Ltd.

Free Member

A&T International Trade Co., Ltd. - can help you to find the right item to fit your promotional project. We source all kind of existing promotional products for you, and we can also help you to develop custom designed products. And, we can deliver the right product you request to the location you need.

With sourcing staffs working in East China and South China, we can provide you the hottest trending items and best selling products from our selected factories. We have worked with many factories that produce different products for years, and our sourcing team keeps finding new selected factories daily. Before sending you a quote, we will compare at least 3-5 factories to find the best one.

When a sample or an order is started to process in one factory, our professional staffs will keep contacting with the factory and go to workshop if need to check the product quality carefully. By that, we can make sure the product is done as per customers’ requirement.

After a sample or an order is finished, we will work with our selected freight forwarder to get the product or the bulk shipped to you. Based on your timing, we can ship them to you by sea, air, or express.

A&T International Trade Co., Ltd is your one stop supplier for promotional products. With our professional staffs, we will provide you top quality promotional products with good pricing, good quality control, and on-time delivery to fit your needs.

Member Info

Member Class:Free Member
Last Online:08 Jan, 2025

Detailed Information

Company Name:A&T International Trade Co., Ltd.

Jiang Su - China

Address:Room 812, BLDG#10, Wanda Plaza, Renmin Road 3188, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China 215008
Zip/Postal code:215021
Contact Person:Tracy Yu (Manager)

Office Supplies

Business Nature:Trading Company
Founded Year:2005
Number of Employees:5 ~ 20