
Origin:Made In China
Category:Chemicals / Chemical Reagent
Label:Tetrandrine , 470-17-7
Price: US $5 / bottle
Min. Order:1 bottle

Product Description

Tetrandrine        CAS  518-34-3          Molecular Weight:622.762        Formula:C38H42N2O6    

Purity:                  HPLC98%
Appearance:     White powder
Test Method:    HPLC; Mass;NMR
Usage:                 For laboratory research use only,not for human or diganostic use。
Package              20mg~1g per bottle。
Storage:           Store in a well closed container, protected from air and light.
Prepare and use solutions at the time of testing. However, if you need to make up stock solutions in advance, we recommend that you store the solution as aliquots in tightly sealed vials at -20℃. Generally, these will be useable for up to two weeks.

Plant Origin
Stephania tetrandra S.Moore

 Tetrandrine had the capacity to inhibit the differentiation of proinflammatory Th1, Th2 and Th17 cells, while sparing the generation of Tregs. As a Treg-friendly and broad spectrum anti-inflammatory agent, the molecular mechanism and the therapeutic potential of TET in various human inflammatory diseases should be further studied.


[1].Zou H et al. Tetrandrine inhibits differentiation of proinflammatory subsets of T helper cells but spares de novo differentiation of iTreg cells. Int Immunopharmacol. 2019 Apr;69:307-312.


Baoji Herbest Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd


Fax: 0086-917-2769633

QQ 1697104023

Email: info@herbest.cn

Web:  http:www.herbest.cn

 Tetrandrine  1 Tetrandrine  2 Tetrandrine  3 Tetrandrine  4

Member Information

Baoji Herbest Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd
Country/Region:Shaan Xi - China
Business Nature:Manufacturer
Contact:MIss Zhang (Sales)
Last Online:07 Nov, 2024