Wedge Anchors

Wedge Anchors
Category:Electronics & Electricity / Magnetic Materials
Label:concrete anchors
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Product Description

Wedge anchors also known as concrete wedge anchors, are made of zinc plated carbon steel, hot-dipped galvanized carbon steel, 303 stainless steel, and 316 stainless steel. This anchor is one kind of mechanical expansion anchor that can be divided to four parts: the threaded anchor body, the expansion clip, a nut, and a washer. Just from the outsides of this anchor we can classify it into three styles: fully threaded, partial threaded and the full-bodied wedge anchor. We use wedge anchors to fasten only in solid concrete. Let's have a look at wedge anchors.

A wedge anchor made of carbon steel consists of four parts: the threaded anchor body, the expansion clip, a nut, and a washer

A wedge anchor is used to secure all kinds of things with solid concrete only.

A yellow zinc plated full threaded wedge anchor

This is a yellow zinc plated wedge anchor, and it's used to fasten things.

A big partial threaded wedge anchor made of stainless steel

The partial threaded wedge anchor made of stainless steel can prevent corrosion.

A full-bodied wedge anchor made of carbon steel, zinc plated

The full-bodied wedge anchor has many applications. It can be used for fastening with solid concrete.



  • Wedge anchors have many diameters and lengths, as a result, we can use the anchor in many situations.
  • Wedge anchors are suitable in light to heavy-duty.
  • Wedge anchors are easy to use, and can guarantee the safety.
  • Wedge anchors possess corrosion resistance because of standard zinc plated.


  • Use a hammer drill and a correctly sized carbide tipped bit to drill a hole, it must be at least 1/2 deeper than the wedge anchor part embedded, the hole and the wedge anchor is the same size.
  • Clear out all the debris in the hole.
  • Put the nut and washer on the wedge anchor to protect the threads
  • Use a hammer to hit the anchor until the threads are totally under the surface of the base material
  • Tighten the nut until it's firm enough.

Installation tips

  • Use with solid concrete only. Not for use with any other masonry materials.
  • Wedge anchors and holes are of the same size, for example:1/2" anchor requires a 1/2" hole
  • Packaged nuts and washers together with wedge anchor
  • Hole depth is not be limited.
  • Tighten two to three full turns on the anchor.
  • Generally, it's ten diameters long between two anchors.
  • Wedge anchors can't be removed unless we damage the concrete or cut the anchor.

Use a hammer and carbide tipped bit to drill a hole

The first step to install an anchor is to drill a hole with a hammer and a carbide tipped bit.

Put the nut and the washer to protect the anchor

After we have inserted the anchor in the hole, we should put the nut and the washer.

Use a wrench to tighten the nut

When the threads are totally under the surface of the base material, tighten the nut until it's firm enough.

Wedge anchors have many concrete applications, such as: light post, water pipe, windows, light fixture, park bench, light post.

A high black light post with three lamps on its head

Wedge anchors can be used to fasten light post.

A park bench with plank body and four black iron legs

The wedge anchor can be used in park bench to fasten the plank body and the iron legs.

Specification of the zinc plated wedge anchor
Items Size Quantity /box Items Size Quantity /box
WAZ14134 1/4" × 1-3/4" 100 per box WAZ38214 3/8" × 2-1/4" 50 per box
WAZ14214 1/4" × 2-1/4" 100 per box WAZ38234 3/8" × 2-3/4" 50 per box
WAZ143 1/4" × 3" 100 per box WAZ383 3/8" × 3" 50 per box
WAZ14314 1/4" × 3-1/4" 100 per box WAZ38312 3/8" × 3-1/2" 50 per box
WAZ516234 5/16" × 2-3/4" 100 per box WAZ38334 3/8" × 3-3/4" 50 per box
WAZ516312 5/16" × 3-1/2" 100 per box WAZ385 3/8" × 5" 50 per box
WAZ38612 3/8" × 6-1/2" 50 per box WAZ1210 1/2" × 10" 25 per box
WAZ12234 1/2" × 2-3/4" 25 per box WAZ1212 1/2" × 12" 25 per box
WAZ12334 1/2" × 3-3/4" 25 per box TSZ58312 5/8" × 3-1/2" 25 per box
WAZ12414 1/2" × 4-1/4" 25 per box WAZ58412 5/8" × 4-1/2" 25 per box
WAZ12512 1/2" × 5-1/2" 25 per box WAZ585 5/8" × 5" 20 per box
WAZ127 1/2" × 7" 25 per box WAZ586 5/8" × 6" 20 per box
WAZ12812 1/2" × 8-1/2" 25 per box WAZ587 5/8" × 7" 20 per box
WAZ58812 5/8" × 8-1/2" 20 per box WAZ3412 3/4" × 12" 10 per box
WAZ5810 5/8" × 10" 10 per box WAZ786 7/8" × 6" 10 per box
WAZ5812 5/8" × 12" 10 per box WAZ788 7/8" × 8" 5 per box
WAZ34414 3/4" × 4-1/4" 20 per box WAZ7810 7/8" × 10" 5 per box
WAZ34434 3/4" × 4-3/4" 20 per box WAZ7812 7/8" × 12" 5 per box
WAZ34512 3/4" × 5-1/2" 20 per box WAZ16 1" × 6" 5 per box
WAZ34614 3/4" × 6-1/4" 20 per box WAZ19 1" × 9" 5 per box
WAZ347 3/4" × 7" 10 per box WAZ112 1" × 12" 5 per box
WAZ34812 3/4" × 8-1/2" 10 per box WAZ1149 1-1/4" × 9" 5 per box
WAZ3410 3/4" × 10" 10 per box WAZ11412 1-1/4" × 12" 5 per box
Specification of the hot-dipped galvanized wedge anchor
Items Size Quantity /box Part # Size Items
WAHG38214 3/8" × 2-1/4" 50 per box WAHG587 5/8" × 7" 20 per box
WAHG38234 3/8" × 2-3/4" 50 per box WAHG58812 5/8" × 8-1/2" 20 per box
WAHG383 3/8" × 3" 50 per box WAHG5810 5/8" × 10" 10 per box
WAHG38312 3/8" × 3-1/2" 50 per box TSHG5812 5/8" × 12" 20 per box
WAHG38334 3/8" × 3-3/4" 50 per box WAHG34414 3/4" × 4-1/4" 20 per box
WAHG385 3/8" × 5" 50 per box WAHG34434 3/4" × 4-3/4" 20 per box
WAHG38612 3/8" × 6-1/2" 50 per box WAHG34512 3/4" × 5-1/2" 20 per box
WAHG12234 1/2" × 2-3/4" 25 per box WAHG34614 3/4" × 6-1/4" 20 per box
WAHG12334 1/2" × 3-3/4" 25 per box WAHG347 3/4" × 7" 10 per box
WAHG12414 1/2" × 4-1/4" 25 per box WAHG34812 3/4" × 8-1/2" 10 per box
WAHG12512 1/2" × 5-1/2" 25 per box TSHG3410 3/4" × 10" 10 per box
WAHG127 1/2" × 7" 25 per box TSHG3412 3/4" × 12" 10 per box
WAHG12812 1/2" × 8-1/2" 25 per box TSHG786 7/8" × 6" 5 per box
WAHG1210 1/2" × 10" 25 per box TSHG788 7/8" × 8" 5 per box
WAHG1212 1/2" × 12" 25 per box TSHG7810 7/8" × 10" 5 per box
WAHG58312 5/8" × 3-1/2" 25 per box TSHG7812 7/8" × 12" 5 per box
WAHG58412 5/8" × 4-1/2" 25 per box TSHG16 1" × 9" 5 per box
WAHG585 5/8" × 5" 20 per box WAHG112 1" × 12" 5 per box
WAHG586 5/8" × 6" 20 per box TSHG1149 1-1/4" × 9" 5 per box
TSHG11412 1-1/4" × 12" 5 per box      
Specification of the 303 stainless wedge anchor
Items Size Quantity /box Items Size Quantity /box
WASL-30314134 1/4" × 1-3/4" 100 per box WASL-30358412 5/8" × 4-1/2" 25 per box
WASL-30314214 1/4" × 2-1/4" 100 per box WASL-303585 5/8" × 5" 20 per box
WAS-30314314 1/4" × 3-1/4" 100 per box WASL-303586 5/8" × 6" 20 per box
WASL5-30316234 5/16" × 2-3/4" 100 per box WASL-303587 5/8" × 7" 20 per box
WASL5-30316312 5/16" × 3-1/2" 100 per box WASL-30358812 5/8" × 8-1/2" 20 per box
WASL3-3038214 3/8" × 2-1/4" 50 per box TSSL-3035810 5/8" × 10" 20 per box
WASL3-3038234 3/8" × 2-3/4" 50 per box TSSL-3035812 5/8" × 12" 20 per box
WASL-303383 3/8" × 3" 50 per box WASL-30334414 3/4" × 4-1/4" 20 per box
WASL-30338312 3/8" × 3-1/2" 50 per box WASL-30334434 3/4" × 4-3/4" 20 per box
WASL-30338334 3/8" × 3-3/4" 50 per box WASL-30334512 3/4" × 5-1/2" 20 per box
WASL-30338612 3/8" × 6-1/2" 50 per box WASL-30334614 3/4" × 6-1/4" 20 per box
WASL-30312234 1/2" × 2-3/4" 25 per box WASL-303347 3/4" × 7" 10 per box
WASL-30312334 1/2" × 3-3/4" 25 per box WASL-30334812 3/4" × 8-1/2" 10 per box
WASL-30312414 1/2" × 4-1/4" 25 per box TSSL-3033410 3/4" × 10" 10 per box
WASL-30312512 1/2" × 5-1/2" 25 per box TSSL-3033412 3/4" × 12" 10 per box
WAS-303127 1/2" × 7" 25 per box TSS-303786 7/8" × 6" 5 per box
WAS-30312812 1/2" × 8-1/2" 25 per box TSS-303788 7/8" × 8" 5 per box
WAS-3031210 1/2" × 10" 25 per box TSS-3037810 7/8" × 10" 5 per box
WAS-3031212 1/2" × 12" 25 per box TSS-3037812 7/8" × 12" 5 per box
WAS-30358312 5/8" × 3-1/2" 25 per box TSS-30316 1" × 6" 5 per box
TSS-30319 1" × 9" 5 per box TSS-3031149 1-1/4" × 9" 5 per box
TSS-303112 1" × 12" 5 per box TSS-30311412 1-1/4" × 12" 5 per box
Specification of the 316 stainless wedge anchor
Items Size Quantity /box Items Size Quantity /box
WASL-31614134 1/4" × 1-3/4" 100 per box WASL-316586 5/8" × 6" 20 per box
WASL-31614214 1/4" × 2-1/4" 100 per box WASL-316587 5/8" × 7" 20 per box
TSSL-316143 1/4" × 3" 100 per box WASL-31658812 5/8" × 8-1/2" 20 per box
WASL-31614314 1/4" × 3-1/4" 100 per box TSSL-3165810 5/8" × 10" 20 per box
WASL-31638214 3/8" × 2-1/4" 100 per box TSSL-3165812 5/8" × 12" 20 per box
WASL-316383 3/8" × 3" 100 per box WASL-31634414 3/4" × 4-1/4" 20 per box
WASL-31638234 3/8" × 2-3/4" 50 per box WASL-31634434 3/4" × 4-3/4" 20 per box
WASL-31638312 3/8" × 3-1/2" 50 per box WASL-31634512 3/4" × 5-1/2" 20 per box
WASL-31638334 3/8" × 3-3/4" 50 per box WASL-31634614 3/4" × 6-1/4" 20 per box
WASL-316385 3/8" × 5" 50 per box WASL-316347 3/4" × 7" 10 per box
TSSL-31638612 3/8" × 6-1/2" 50 per box WASL-31634812 3/4" × 8-1/2" 10 per box
WASL-31612234 1/2" × 2-3/4" 25 per box TSSL-3163410 3/4" × 10" 10 per box
WASL-31612334 1/2" × 3-3/4" 25 per box TSSL-3163412 3/4" × 12" 10 per box
WASL-31612414 1/2" × 4-1/4" 25 per box TSSL-316786 7/8" × 6" 5 per box
WASL-31612512 1/2" × 5-1/2" 25 per box TSSL-316788 7/8" × 8" 5 per box
WASL-316127 1/2" × 7" 25 per box TSSL-3167810 7/8" × 10" 5 per box
TSSL-31612812 1/2" × 8-1/2" 25 per box TSSL-3167812 7/8" × 12" 5 per box
TSSL-3161210 1/2" × 10" 25 per box TSSL-31616 1" × 6" 5 per box
TSSL-3161212 1/2" × 12" 25 per box TSSL-31619 1" × 9" 5 per box
WASL-31658312 5/8" × 3-1/2" 25 per box TSSL-316112 1" × 12" 5 per box
WASL-31658412 5/8" × 4-1/2" 25 per box WASL-316585 5/8" × 5" 20 per box
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Member Information

Betonanker fastener Industrial Limited
Country/Region:He Bei - China
Business Nature:Manufacturer
Contact:zhangming (sale)
Last Online:12 Nov, 2015