
類別:電子、電力 / 電力配件與材料
標籤︰無鉛焊錫條 , 焊錫條 , 高溫錫條
單價: -
最少訂量:1 件



◆ 我公司生產焊錫條(棒)是採用高純度金屬原料,嚴格執行ISO9001質量管理體系。從原料熔煉、攪拌、檢驗、灌注均採用高標準工藝,再經真空脫氧處理,有效控制氧化程度及影響品質較大的金屬元素(如:金、鎘、鋁、鐵等)以及非金屬雜質含量。生產出品質穩定、外觀潔淨、光亮、純度極高的抗氧化錫條,其熔化后流動性好、潤濕性佳,焊點飽滿、光亮、錫渣極少,適用於高品質要求的各種波峰焊和手工焊。




錫條合金成份 熔點℃ 作業溫度 比重 用途
Sn63/Pb37 183 220-240 8.39 電腦、精密儀器、儀表、電視機、微電子
Sn60/Pb40 190 230-250 8.65
Sn55/Pb45 203 240-260 8.75 電子屏、計算器等普通電子、家用電器
Sn50/Pb50 216 255-275 8.85
Sn45/Pb55 227 270-290 8.97 玩具、燈泡、工藝品、鋁焊等一般線路
Sn40/Pb60 238 295-310 9.30
Sn35/Pb65 245 300-320 9.70



無鉛焊錫條 含銀焊錫條 啞光焊錫條 低溫焊錫條
高溫焊錫條 高抗氧化焊錫條 其它特殊用途焊錫條
如需了解更多,請到公司官方網:http://www.gdtin.com   電話:0755-27759006

Solder bar ( rod ) product description:

My company produces solder ( rod ) is the use of high purity metal materials, strict implementation of ISO9001 quality management system. From the smelting of raw materials, mixing, inspection, perfusion using high standards of technology, and then by vacuum deoxidization, effectively control the oxidation degree and influencing the quality of large metal elements ( such as: gold, cadmium, aluminum, iron and other ) as well as the content of non-metallic inclusions. Production of stable quality, appearance is clean, bright, high purity tin antioxidation, its melting good fluidity, wettability, the spot is full, bright, tin slag rarely, suitable for high quality requirements of various welding and manual welding.

Solder bar ( rod ) boutique recommended:

Wave solder

63 / 37 electrolytic solder

Solder alloy component technical specification

Tin alloys melting point operation temperature gravity uses

Sn63 / Pb37 183 220-240 8.39 computers, precision instruments, meters, television, microelectronics

Sn60 / Pb40 190 230-250 8.65

Sn55 / Pb45 203 240-260 8.75 electronic screen, calculators and other general electronic, household appliances

Sn50 / Pb50 216 255-275 8.85

Sn45 / Pb55 227 270-290 8.97 toy, light bulbs, crafts, aluminum and other general line

Sn40 / Pb60 238 295-310 9.30

Sn35 / Pb65 245 300-320 9.70

Hao Yang licensing solder bar ( rod ) has the following advantages:

The solder surface is uniform and smooth, and high purity, good fluidity.

Wettability and good, bright spot.

Minimum oxide residue occurs, is suitable for the high requirements of a crest or manual welding procedure.

How to add pure tin soldering tin in the tin in use because of oxidation loss, so we can add tin in the tin bath, we can integrate pure tin slowly adding tin groove, and the soldering mixed evenly, add the following formula:

The company's solder is the use of high purity metal, in the strict quality control conditions, after vacuum deoxidization, effectively control the oxidation degree and metal, non-metallic new matter content. The solder surface is uniform and smooth, and high purity, good fluidity, wettability and good, bright spot, oxide residue rarely occur, suitable for the high requirements of a crest or manual welding procedure.

Related products:

Lead-free solder containing silver solder matte solder of low temperature solder

High temperature solder high anti-oxidation of the solder and other special purpose soldering

If you want to know more, please go to the company 's official website: http: / / www.gdtin.com: 0755-27759006 phone



焊錫條(棒) 1焊錫條(棒) 2焊錫條(棒) 3焊錫條(棒) 4焊錫條(棒) 5


聯繫人︰林先生 (銷售經理)